Research • Education • Outreach

“We Look Into the Past”

Jones Geological Services

(717) 887-7103 


Geology Blog

July 26, 2022

My last blog was our winter research and investigations of the famed Indian Rock (or Pulpit Rock). The team consisting of myself, Tom Yingling, Staffin Hamme and Ken Frazer did not stop after Indian Rock. Tom Yingling had indicated to me last year that he would like to see what is known as the Okete cave near Stoverstown, North Codorus Township. I originally learned about the Okete cave back in 1973 when my uncle, Larry Bare, a native of Stoverstown drove me around the area showing me geological “things” that he knew about.

July 2, 2022

There are number of rock exposures in York County that are named for assorted reasons. The highest point in the county is Stone Head East and its neighbor Stone Head, both located within South Mountain northwest of Dillsburg.